Most people lose money in buying and selling stocks because of commissions. As a general strategy we advise most clients to invest in the S&P 500 and NASDAQ 100 — with or without leverage.
So what do you buy?
Buy the S&P 500 and NASDAQ 100 with or without leverage. If you want to chose individual stocks, invest ONLY in stocks with an EPS rank of 80 or better and with an RSI rank of 80 or better.
Every client and every portfolio with us is unique. We recommend an 8 percent stoploss for every stock purchase. With any run up of over ten percent from our buy in price, we recommend a tight trailing stop at either a ten percent gain or at a reasonable level based on chart support or resistance. We say this but we also cater to the buy and hold people who love these companies and what they are doing and just want to marry the position to catch the overriding NASDAQ run.