Open An Account
To open an account at B & A Sector Watch, you have to read three forms and be aware of our Advisory Fees:
- ADV Part 2 for B & A Sector Watch
- Form CRS Best Interest Disclosure
- Expanded Form CRS Best Interest
- Disclosure Advisory Fee Table
- Privacy Policy

Instructions for Opening an Account:
Download and read our ADV Part II:
Download and read our Form CRS Best Interest
Disclosure: 2024FormCRSBestInterestDisclosure.pdf
Download and read our Expanded Form CRS Best Interest
Disclosure: 2024ExpandedFormCRSBestInterestDisclosure.pdf
Download and SIGN our Delivery Confirmation:
Download and SIGN the Mutual Fund Timing and Service AGreement
Need Help?
You need a prospectus for the mutual funds or stock you want to invest in. Call B & A Sector Watch at 1-888-219-1119 or 1-775-847-0774 for a copy of the prospectus or guidance to the proper initial account application form.
Download and SIGN the appropriate Form
- Initially put your money in the US Government Money Market Fund
- Sign the signature section on the form
- Sign both left and right sides of the Authorization of Investment Advisor

Mail the Delivery Confirmation, the signed Mutual Fund Timing and Service Agreement, and the appropriate Custodian Initial Account Application
along with your check made out to the proper custodian.
Do not send personal information, account numbers, or social security numbers over the internet.
We will sign the appropriate places and forward your check and application over to the proper Custodian. You will receive a photocopy of the completed registration form. When the money arrives at the Custodian, you will be ready to invest. The proper Custodian will send you a confirmation of every trade along with a monthly summary statement.
If you are registering an IRA, IRA Rollover, or IRA Transfer, don’t forget to ALSO fill out and send in The appropriate IRA form and ALSO fill out and send in the IRA Adoption Agreement.
If you have any questions call us toll-free at 1-888-219-1119.